Woman Hungry, Men Angry

A show at Two Raven Arthouse, Reykjavík, May 2019.

In his latest artwork, Hallgrimur Helgason turns the brush towards the relation of the sexes, as tension builds in our fast changing times.

Those new paintings and drawings expose the artist’s take on today’s society: Patriarchy meets the high shouts of feminism with its final wrath, victims of sexual abuse keep battling ghosts of their past, while offenders stay in denial or show off their tears and their co-dependent spouses stare into the void.

The painter has placed his easel on the banks of the MeToo-River.

This is then coloured by the artist’s personal experience, for back in 2015 Hallgrimur Helgason confessed that as a young man he had experienced sexual abuse; a coming out that turned out to be just as frustrating as it was liberating.

To channel those feelings Hallgrimur has abandoned the realism of his last two exhibits and now embraces the figurative fantasy that has long been the hallmark of his drawings.